In times like these the safety, health and and security of our families, employees and community members are a top priority. With the state of California announcing shelter in place orders, we want to assure you that we are committed to the maintaining the strictest of standards to safeguard the well-being of our employees and customers.
As many companies are mandated to temporarily close their doors for an uncertain period of time, we know that many small businesses may not survive the economic repercussions involved. However, since maintaining the structural integrity of our homes is considered essential, construction has been exempt from this order. With customers now finding themselves at home with necessary repairs, we know many of you are looking to have work done now, while following the strictest of safety guidelines.
We want to personally assure you that we have taken steps with our employees to ensure that all safety precautions are being taken.
- Our inspection and production teams will tailor your customer experience to your own comfort level. This includes calling before the appointment to find out if you’re ok with meeting with us face to face.
- While onsite, employees will practice guidelines as defined by the Social Distancing Requirement, including maintaining a six-foot distance from individuals, thoroughly washing hands with soap and water when available, or using hand sanitizer, covering all coughs or sneezes (into sleeve or elbow) and regularly cleaning all high-touch surfaces.
- All equipment is cleaned and sanitized thoroughly as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
- Employees with any signs or symptoms of illness will be prohibited from working. We also ask you notify us if you or anyone in your household has had any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 so we keep our own teams safe. We will reschedule for the next available time after you are healthy.
We truly appreciate you and the trust you put in us to safely repair your home. This is a stressful time for us all but know that we continue to monitor the situation and make any operational changes needed to ensure that everyone's safety comes first.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-925-521-8151.
Mathew Phelps